Jacque's Dogs & Mick's Granddogs! Fidelity and Fortitude Katies flowers! Jacquelyne Marie Cox & her dogs! Contributed by Katie
hr Taylor & Lawson Elexene & Lawson! Bluejay Taylor & Lawson hr

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Fidelity and Fortitude This Cox coat of arms
is contributed by
Mrs Elexene Cox,
For larger view,
Click on image.

Who's Birthday is today?

Who's anniversary is coming up?

Who's having a baby!?Birth Announcements

What's new about our album?

Enjoy Life Connie's Hummer hr This site is created especially for the Family and Relatives of the offspring of the Cox Family. I hope through the collaboration of family representatives in Nicholasville (Ashleigh DeCecca), Russellville needs a representative, Las Vegas (Mickey Cox), and eventually, other areas of the country, to build a collection of photos that will be a repository of family photos accessible to all members of the family. Ideally, all 'branches' of the Family will be represented here, and hopefully represented by contributing members from their respective areas of the country. The collection of pictures presented here will be very broad, and include family photos of children, homes, etc. and are not listed in any particular order chronologically, or of importance. All are important. Each of us, as designated 'posters' will be posting news and information about each of our own but not limited to, area's Family on the Family Weblog. I am keeping this page password protected for the privacy of the Family and the pictures I post, and leave it up to each individual's discretion as to whom you choose to give the password. The password technically, is not really necessary, but will keep this particular portion of 'our' web site from the worlds eyes, and maintain a modicum of privacy for the Family. The pictures posted here are available to anyone who views them, and you may copy them to your hearts desire, and print them how you would like; the only provisio being that you do not use any pictures for monetary gain, harassment, defamation, or cause in any way to be used in a disparaging manner. If you would like to give someone access to these pages through your password, then do so as you like. If you know of anyone who would like to add pictures to this site, please have them mail me, by clicking on the 'E-MAIL' link below, or through Ashleigh's or my own mail links above.

Send emailabout this site.

If you have never emailed Ashleigh, or myself, especially through a different contact point than here, be sure and include the words "Kentucky Family" in the subject line. It would be nice to hear from all of our family throughout the country. If you have ideas to contribute to this family area of this site, or would like to contribute some short stories for the Family Weblog, that others might enjoy, about members of our family (no embarassing moments, please!) or that would contribute to information about how our family is dispersed throughout this country, please write me with your information. Building this area of this site will be a project that will require time, and I welcome the help from all of the family for ideas and input. Please bear with me as I go along. If during the visit to this site, you spot errors of spelling, or problems within the web pages you visit, by all means let me know so that I can remedy them. This is designed to be a family site, and I encourage everyone that has access to a computer to participate to make it great! Remember, this site can only be as good as the participation and input from each family member!

Send you family members a letter or email telling them about the site, give them the password, and be sure to tell them it has to be entered case sensitive. hr

Featured Pictures

Katie says hello to everybody,
and wanted ya'll to have a link
to her new Hawaiian Web site!
(She is still working on it)

IF ANYONE ELSE wants their site
linked here, email me!

Kentucky State Bird Picture Links, or Changes,
added on...
...Check back soon!
Cardinal hr     THE Pages....    
Misty Jenkins
Matthew Jenkins
Daisy Sue Jenkins
Taylor Cross
Talor Cross
Donna Duncan & family
Catherine Kaylee Cooper
Tony and Connie Stewart, son A.J.
Mr.Bill Winstead
Adam, Randy, and Bill Winstead
Mitch & Amy Cross, & Taylor Paige
Tony & Connie's garden room
Tony & Connie Stewart
A. J. Stewart
Tony & Connie Stewart
Jeramy & Ashley Ellis
Recent Las Vegas Family
Jack & Elenore Mogannam
Joey Friedman
Joey Friedman
Tara Mogannam
Tara & Craig
Joey Friedman & Tara
Mickey Cox & Cody Cox
Jacquelyne Marie Cox
NEW PICTURES Jacquelyne Marie Cox
NEW PICTURES Jacquelyne Marie Cox
Jacquelyne Marie Cox
Jacque's Ski Trip
Cody M. Cox
Cody M, Cox
Mickey Cox & Katie
NEW PICTURES Katie & Krista
Katie Kidd
The Faith that Binds

Joseph & Ellen Cox
John Foster Sr. & Nancy Cox
Durward M. Cox
John Foster Cox Jr.
Nicholasville Family
John & Elexene Cox
Elexene Mastin Cox
Judy Cox
David & Becca Chandler
Becca Chandler & Ethan
David & Becca Chandler & Ethan
Ethan Chandler
Ethan turns two!
Patty Taylor
Judy, Patty, Chris, & Debbie
Ethan Maxwell Chandler
Ashleigh DeCecca, & friend
Justin DeCecca
Justin DeCecca's Graduation
Taylor DeCecca Salutes!
Taylor DeCecca, 3 years!
NEW PICTURES Taylor DeCecca, 5+ yrs!
Taylor DeCecca
Taylor DeCecca w/ Daddy!
NEW PICTURES Lawson Wade DeCecca!
Lawson Wade DeCecca!
Russellville Family
Durward M. & Cathy Cox
Sharon, Donna, Connie, & Tara
Cathy Cox
Bill & Sharon Winstead
Donna Duncan & Joshua
Donna Duncan & Nicole

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