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7/16/2005 07:37:00 PM

Special Notes

I have not been able to maintain this site as I had originally intended when I created it, mostly from a lack of sufficient input to keep the page fresh. I hope now that the site is back up that some of you will want to participate in the CONTENT of this page. All are welcome, so send me your recent pictures, update information on birthdays, weddings, even divorces if you like, anything that will contribute to the site as a repository for information that can be shared with other members of the extended family.

In the past the blog has been limited in use to just myself and Ashleigh being able to post directly to it, and others have been limited to responding in 'comments' by the link at the bottom of each post. In an effort to perhaps get more participation of the family and better utilize a common area for posting news, comments, updates to family information, and just general hello type posting, I am offering anyone in the family the availability to post freely on this Blog as they desire, so long as they keep all the postings non-offensive, something we all can be edified with by reading. So, if any of you have a computer and would like to have this option to post to the whole world family that may read this Blog, send me an email and let me know. In the subject line of the email, please indicate "Blog Posting". I will upon receipt send you an invite, which is the standard procedure from 'Blogger.Com" and all you will have to do is respond to the invite and originate a name for your posting, or identity, and you can then post notes to your heart's content. I think it would be great, especially if say Elexene could post her weekly letters to everyone here, and save all that postage, envelopes, etc. This service is built into my account for my web-site and there is no reason why anyone in the family that has access to a computer could not avail themselves to it also.

For those that would rather not get involved in posting to a Blog, I am going to establish what is known as a "Tag" board, where at anytime you can post a quick note, or lengthy one if you wish to the board, and hit the "tag" button and it will be there for all to read and respond to. There are three parts to the tag board, a "NAME" where you can enter whatever you like, or even your own name, an "E-MAIL" where you can enter your email address, and finally a writing area where you can compose your message. Your email address is optional. You can post a note without entering your email address, but your name or a name, whatever you may choose,if you would rather not post your name, should be entered. Preferably, it would be nice if everyone in the spirit of this site enter their actual name. Look for it soon, I am still formatting the layout to include underneath the current Weblog area.

Write me and let me know what you think. Let's communicate

Love to all,


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2/21/2005 08:34:00 PM

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Well here it is almost 7 months since I have posted anything on this site. But now having spoken to most of you, (there are some important exceptions, all whom I did not get to speak to) I just wanted to let everyone know how good it was to speak to each of you and hear your voices, and touch base with my Kentucky homes. I spoke at length to Donna and then to Connie, and got uptodate on their families. I tried to reach Sharon but could not get through so left a long message.

Importantly, after speaking to Donna she tells me of some 'spots' she has on her lungs that her doctors are watching very closely. She has my prayers, and I'm sure all of you share that feelilng also.

Today was supposed to be the delivery day for Ashleigh, ( and Justin, and Taylor) to deliver their new son, Lawson Wade DeCecca. At the time of my call and speaking to Aunt Elexene, Patty and Uncle John, Ashleigh had not yet delivered. My prayers are with all of you for her healthy delivery and well being of her and their new son.

I was saddened to hear that Esther's mom had passed away just very recently, and I can understand the feelings that can leave someone with loosing a dear family memeber. I pray that she has healing soon from her grief, and that she also heals and gains improvements to her health having just also had a heart attack too.

We are all getting up in age, and health problems is something that stalks each of us in different ways, but I happy to believe that most of our family walks as God would have us, and that whatever befalls us will be bearable through the Lord. That does not lessen or negate the sorrow we feel at the loss of loved ones. My dear mother is 89, and in somewhat fair health, but her health is a concern for us hear almost daily. She is and does write almost daily, read her bible, and keep me busy being her secretary, grocer, wrangler, etc. I am thankful that at my age I can still do things for her.

I told each of you I spoke to that I am planning very definitely on coming back there this summer, probably between mid June, first of August. Not sure yet. Pray with me that it is possible to do so this summer.

I told Donna that we have been having so much rain in Las Vegas, that I feel like I have been transplanted back to Kentucky. Our yearly average rain fall is about 4.5 inches. Since the first of the year we have had almost 6.5 thus far. Raining 4-5 days a week for several past weeks.

My love to all, send me new pictures of each of you and your families, and I will post new ones of my side out here.

Elexene, telll Taylor she is not too young to start beginning typing!



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7/06/2004 08:40:17 PM

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Well Hello everyone. It has been a long time since I last posted this page, and I apologize. As of April 20, 2004, I am again working at the Nevada Test Site, and hope to be able to spend my remaining working years there till retirement, or the Rapture, whichever comes first. I have been doing well, am dieting and getting in shape, and working now a schedule of four days a week, off of Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. I love a four day week!! My mother is doing well, but does not have the strength she did just a couple of years ago, but she stays busy writing, and has just got a serious inquiry for publishing some of her works, that I do all the typing for. Katie, has made the Junior Varsity squad of a brand new High School, Del Sol, that will open this fall, and from now until the start of school, they all (her squad, inclucing the Varsity) are in training camps for gymnastics, aerobics, and cheering. They just finished the weekend selling fireworks at a corner fireworks stand to help raise addtional funding for their uniforms and outfits, which they each must buy. Katie's cost is $900.00 wich includes several work-out camps, professional training, etc. A real hardship on all of the girls, and the financial burden eliminated some of them from the squad. But schools here are always underfunded as I guess just about everywhere else in teh country. JO and Tara are doing well. JO has retired, and spends most of her days cooking new receipes and visiting with mother, or rearranging her furniture once a week! Because of the new job, I will need to put in some time before I will be able to visit Kentucky, but I am hopefully planning a trip this fall, when the leaves are turning, if not, I regret to say, I may not be there till spring. I have had absolutely no time off from working since I returned from Kentucky, but in my line of work that has been the only way it can be. If I had completed jobs without having another to go to immediately, I could have come between jobs, but the cards didn't fall that way, and now with the new job, there will be no lay-offs, it is a permanent job unless I quit. I get personal accrual time each month, and I can take time off without pay also, so when the timeing looks right, I will be on my way God willing. Elexene, I love getting your letters, and me and mom read them the day I get them usually, and tell Ash I am praying for her and her family and her doctors for good news. Sharon, I get your cards all of the time, and most of the time when I try to respond, they come back as unaccepted. Maybe your computer has blockage on email from my neck of the woods. Ashleigh, I tried to answer a couple of your emails, and I get an answer back that your mail box is too full, and cannot accept mine. I pray that each of you in NIcholasville, and Russellville are doing well, that you all will be there for me to visit when I get there, and hopefully that won't be long. I think about you all and how much I look forward to another visit. Please write soon, and I promise I will write sooner myself.
God Bless each of you.
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11/27/2003 01:34:17 PM

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Another Thanksgiving!!

Today, Nicole Babcock, daughter of Donna and James (Bubba) Duncan gave birth to a Thanksgiving Day child, a little boy by the name of Keaton Lee, I understand that both are well and recovering this day at the hospital in Bowling Green. Bill Winstead let me know that dinner will probably be served late tonight!!! Welcome to the family, Keaton Lee...and Happy Thanksgiving to all!!!
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11/23/2003 02:07:00 PM

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Happy Thanksgivin
In Remembrance,

In Remembrance,

During my last visit to Kentucky, and as a result of that visit, my dear mother established contact with one of her closest friends that she had as a young woman of 19-20 years of age. Her name was Pansy. This past week of November 16, 2003 my mother received a letter from one of her sisters, Rena, that Pansy had gone to be with the Lord, on November 5th; the same day as the last letter she had just recently mailed Pansy. One of many letters she has written to her since my return from Kentucky. Praise the Lord, Pansy was saved since a small child, and I am sure she is spending this Thanksgiving in the presence of the Lord!

My mother was heartsick to not to have been able to see and embrace her friend once more in this plane, while they both were alive. She had been planning and hoping for a trip to Kentucky this coming spring to see her sisters, Rena and Ann, and of course, her sweet, lifelong friend, Pansy. During the past year, I had telephoned and spoke to Pansy several times, acting as my mother's ears to carry on conversations between the two women. I can understand my mother's deep sorrow at her loss of Pansy, and her frustration also of being incapacitated by age, not being inclined or able to travel great distances without severe jeopardy to her health, also. Recently she lost her own brother, and was unable to see him for much of the same reasons. She not able to travel, and he not willing to leave his home, either.

Here on the eve of another Thanksgiving, I reflect on how much time and circumstances play such important consequences in our lives. How time and circumstances can separate those who love each other, sometimes to the point of mental obscurity. Each of us in our lives meet and make acquaintances with people that we come to love and mean dearly much to us, but because of the circumstances of our lives, we must move in different directions that prevent and prevail upon us to forego, unintentionally, further close contact with those we love. They go one way, we go another, and while yet we still hold them dear in our hearts, we sometimes loose contact with each other. Time and distances play a large part towards that end. Such was the case with not only Pansy, but my mother's sisters, Rena and Ann.

I think of my own family, and those that I love, and have been close with over the years, and those that I have, with no malice aforethought, have neglected to maintain close ties with, either by letters or telephone. Days lead to weeks, and weeks turn into years, and the years fly by.

Now another Thanksgiving is upon me, and I cannot help but wonder in awe and how many true blessings that I have, and have had throughout my life, and cannot help, but want to say to each of those that I love, how much I wish the intervening years had not come and gone without more contact, than I ever maintained. I thank the Lord that I have my mother Elenore, my sister Jo, my father (Jack), and my niece Tara, that each of us enjoy reasonable health, but my thankfulness goes much further than my immediate, local family. I think of my dear natural father, and wish that I could have told him more often that I loved him, and I think of those who also loved him, my sisters, Sharon, Donna, and Connie, and my mother (Cathy) and all their own families, children and grandchildren. It pangs me to know that so many years went by without contact between us, and I regret for them and my parted father that he did not get to see his daughters grow up to the fine women they now are, and see their loving families. Thankful I am, now that there is once again contact, and I have been able to see them and meet each of them, and that I know they are doing o.k., and like my local family here, are enjoying reasonable health, and have the Lord in their family also, and pray that they know that I love them also.

I get letters once a week from my Aunt Elexene, and look forward to each one, as does my mother, Elenore, every week, and again thank the Lord that she is doing as well as she is, that my Uncle John is still in good health, and enjoying a long life, and my cousin Patty, and Judy, are still with their family. I thank the Lord that I was able to come to Kentucky again and re-establish a relationship to an uncle that meant so much to me as I spent time in Kentucky, and means so much to me now as an adult. I thank God and the Lord that I have had the time to meet Patty's daughter, Ashleigh, her husband Justin, and their precious daughter, Taylor and that I get letters from her sharing her daughter and her family's life with me, as though I were her uncle.

I thank the Lord that I have my own children, Jacque, Cody, and Katie (my beloved adopted daughter) and her mother to share in my life, and I in theirs.

I wish that I could be with each of your families this Thanksgiving, and each of you could be with mine. We all have a lot to be thankful for. I love each of you, share your love with all, and be sure and tell those you love, that you do, and do it often, often, often. Happy Thanksgiving.

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Family Weblog

10/23/2003 11:31:48 AM

Special Notes

E-Mail from Sharon,

Hi Dear Brother, I had tried several times to reach the family album. was
glad to see that you were back.. We are all doing ok. Our Church is doing a
Judgement House for Halloween. Randy has a part. He is real active in
church. Our church is the first Church to present a judgement house in
R'ville. We attend the Eastside Baptist Church. We probaly have maybe 50 to
60 members. Very small. All of the children are involved in "Kids of
Faith". They do presentations and do some traveling to surrounding counties
to put out their message. Randy is a good kid.. He just turned 16. He also
has a GPA of 3.5 and is involved in ROTC and hopes to go into the service
after he graduates. I am doing good. Working and busy with family and
granddaughters. Keep Bill in your prayers. He has decided to return to
work. He is working and seems to be doing ok. He says that he gets sore but
just from not doing anything for the past 18 months. Taylor Paige has to go
for some test on her kidneys Monday and from that they are going to decide
if and when to do surgery on her kidneys. Shelby Layne has two bottom teeth
and laughs all the time unless she is hungry. Mitch and Amy are doing good,
other than Taylor having problems with her kidneys. Misty, Matthew and
Daisy are doing good. Daisy was in the hospital about a month ago. She had a
virus and wouldn't drink or eat anything. She is doing a lot better now.
Misty has decided to go part time at the bank and then resign to stay home
and be a full time Mom. Connie, Tony,A.J, Jeramy and Ashleigh are doing OK.
They work all the time. AJ is doing good in school. Donna, Bubba, Josh,
Nicole and Kaylee are doing ok. Nicole is anxiously awaiting her new baby
boy (also everyone else.) Expected arrival date is the end of November( I
expect sooner) Kaylee has been sick with a virus, but is better now. Mom has
been under the weather with cold or flu or some type of (epizootie). She
feels better She did not leave the house at all last week end. very unusual
for Mom. She has a brother(Uncle Junior) who had a stroke 3-4 years ago and
he lost his wife a year ago She sees after him and anyone else who needs
taking care of. Especially grand children and great grand children. Just
wanted to update you. We all send our love and tell everyone Hi for us. Love

| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

10/19/2003 03:40:46 PM

Special Notes

To all my family and friends that may have visited lately and found my site was down, just a note to let everyone know that I have changed Web Host, and had to take a week to iron out some coding wrinkles. (never ending, it seems) I hope to be with this host, Value Web for quite some time. I can recommend them, highly. During the past week, as I encountered problems with this site's massive change over, I reached tech support everytime I called, and under one minute wait time to boot! They stayed on the phone with me, and helped me answer and solve each and every question, without ever seeming to rush or act like they had another client on hold. I am impressed. I will be posting further rants and ruminations in the near future, after the dust has settled so to speak, from this last week. Have a great Monday!
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

8/22/2003 09:31:03 PM

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Updates from Sharon

Hi Was glad to hear from you. E-mail is nice but sound of voice is better. The doctor says Daisy has a large gastric reflux. They have her on medication and hope that will take care of the problem. She is doing better. Misty and Matthew are working and doing ok. Mitch, Amy and girls are ok. Taylor is getting ready to begin gymnastics. Shelby is trying to crawl. Donna, Bubba, Josh, Nicole and Kaylee are doing ok. Kaylee is not liking kindergarden... She wants to talk all the time ! She is a regular chatter box. Connie Tony, AJ, Jeremy and Ashleigh are doing ok. AJ"s baseball season is over. Randy is doing good in high school. He is going to Logan County this year. He has adjusted pretty good.. Bill passed all of his welding test, visual and x-ray. there were about 70 contractors that signed off on his welding.. he is getting ready to go to work probaly 9-3-03. We just hope that his back will let him work..... Mom is still having problems with her knees.. other than that she is ok.. stay's busy. Tell Jo Ellen Happy B day. Give her our love Be good Be careful Love you Sharon Ky Sis
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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7/24/2003 05:54:00 PM

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Hi, Glad you got your B/P taking care of.. Was so glad to hear from you..
Be careful at work Bill is still under the weather. that is to be expectedwith having 2 surgies in 1 week and pneumonia on top of that. We stayed for
10 days at the Jewish Hosp in Louisville. Was real glad to get back to R'ville. As far as I know everyone is doing OK. Mom stays busy. she has trouble with her knees and B/P.

Donna is working and getting ready for a new grand baby. Nicole's due date is the last of November or first of December. they already know that they are having a boy.. Kaylee says she doesn't want an old boy!!!

Connie is back on day shift. They have been busy with ball season.

Misty and matthew have to take Daisy to Vanderbilt in Nashville, TN
. for some test sometime at the end of the month.( keep us in your prayers.) Shelby and Taylor are doing OK.

Amy lost her father the first of June. He was 46 years old and had a massive heart attack at work. Amy has had a hardtime but is doing better. remember her and Mitch also...

I received an e mail from Ashleigh. sounds like they are excited and getting ready for Judy... She said that Uncle John and Aunt Alex were doing Ok.

Do you all ever hear from Dudley???? I have got to go
XOXOXOXO's from your Ky Sis
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

5/05/2003 10:29:18 PM

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Special Posts from Sharon

For whatever reason, Sharon has not had much success at emailing me recently, nor I her at her job, but she has posted three fairly recent post on the "Comment" sections of the Family Weblog, which I just today discovered! I am going to post them here for everyone, so that at least there will be some update process for the Russellville part of our family.
Hi Mick, Was not for sure until this am if you were receiving e-mail, I think our e-mail here is messed up. Just want to say Hi and Love to all of you. Hope you all are doing good. I have a new granddaughter. She was born 2-21-03 at 5:30 pm. She weighed 8lbs and 6ozs and was 21 and a quarter inches long. Her name is Shelby Lane, Mom, Dad and Taylor are doing good. Today 3-14-03 is Misty's birthday she is 24.... Matthew and Daisy are doing good. Mom Is doing good. Connie, Tony, AJ Jeramy and Ashleigh are doing good. Connie is working midnights in QC, Donna, Bubba, Josh, Nicole and Kaylee are doing good. Donna is having her teeth pulled. She has had a time with that........ Bill and Randy are doing ok.. Randy is doing real good in high school. His GPA is 3.5 I have got to go LUV you bunches.... Think of you often KY SIS Sharon

Hi am not sure if you are receiving my mail!!!!!! I have a new grand daughter. Shelby Lane was born 2-21-03 at 5:15pm. She weigh in at 8lbs and 6ozs and was 21 and quarter inches long. She has dark hair and blue eyes. Mom, Dad, and Taylor are just fine . They are pretty tickled with her. We think she is a keeper. I thank God every day for the many blesing he has given to me and my family. Connie is working 3rd shift. She and her family are doing good. Donna is having all of her teeth pulled. She has been having a time with that. Other than that her family is doing good.... Mom has been under the weather this week. She has the flu but other than that she is doing good.. Hope this finds you all doing good. Be safe Love you KY SIS Sharon

Hi, Hope you had a happy birthday. We are ok. We were all out to Donna and James' farm Sunday for a cook out. Had a great time. The weather was beautiful. Mom is going to Indianna Wednesday to visit her sister. Bill has got to have another back surgery. His screws are broken. He is not in a lot of pain. We were surprized when we saw the X-rays. Not for sure when the surgery is going to be. Pray for us. tell every one hi talk to you later. Love from your KY Sis Sharon

This last post was dated April 29, so it is recent. The first was posted on March 14. Thanks Sharon for your contributions, and congratulations of your new grandaughter, Shelby Lane, and I will add her birth date to the Birthday Page. I am so sorry I didn't get your messages more timely. Tell "Mom and Dad" congratulations for me also, and everyone that I really hope to be there next spring. I will keep a closer eye on the "Comment" sections of the post on the Weblog. You are about the only person that utilizes them, and I appreciate that. God Bless you each, my love and hugs to each,

| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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4/05/2003 07:09:45 PM

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Just A Heads Up
I found just recently that because of the very strict definition of coding for Internet Explorer version 6.0, some of the HTML coding has changed, and Internet Explorer no longer compensates for small errors in the page code. The family website, and several other pages under were not showing the proper text attributes as per design because of a small typo on one of my templates. Most of the text I use throughout my web-site is formatted to display as white. This has not been the case, unbeknown to me till yesterday when I was testing another site at a friends house who has the very latest flavor of Internet Explorer. I have attempted to correct all of the errors that I can find, but as most of you know my site is quite large. If you see text on a page that is not color cordinated with the page colors, or is not white, please let me know. Most of the comment pages all use white text, but was showing in black because of the error.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/26/2003 09:33:18 PM

Special Notes

Hello from Las Vegas
Well I haven't heard from anyone lately except my sweet sis Sharon, who almost always sends me some kind of mail weekly. Sharon, I have tried to respond to your cards, and think that one has actually got back to you, but usually I get an error message in my return mail stating that you are unknown at the email address you use. I guess there must be controls on your intranet/internet firewalls. Looks like you can send mail, but not necessarily receive it, at least from me?! I have been working again in my profession of pipefitting, and am currently spending my days at the Venetian for major additions and remodeling. Early mornings, long days, but great pay makes it all come out ok. My family, Jo, Tara, Elenore and my Dad Jack are doing well. Mother is still working on her book, and has about one third of it finished (260 pages, 67,000 words!!, and stays busy keeping Jack doing all his chores around the house and yard, while she writes. Jo, my sister is retired, and just doing whatever she pleases at the present time, but seems to be getting a little bored not working any more, and complains that she may have to go back just to stay busy. My neice, Tara, is still working at the Monte Carlo Hotel, and spending her evenings putting together a new CD release with her new ensemble she has put together. She is working on her web site, and using me as her administrator/co-designer. My little Katie is growing like a weed, now 13 years old, and just finished her year with her school basketball team. They were in their final four, but didn't make the cut =). My son, Cody, is still making straight A's in school, and has decided he wants to attend college at California. Jacque, my daughter is still working towards her career as a National Outdoor Leadership School guide and instructor, and seems to be happily married and still working as a buyer for a sporting goods store in Aspen. Me, I spend most of my free time hiking, rope climbing, and working on my computer, (or others!) I miss everyone, and as the 19th of this month passed by, I reflected how it was just a quick year ago that I was returning from Kentucky and arriving back in Las Vegas on that date. I wish I could have been there again this year, but am sort of glad that I did get to miss driving in all that snow and cold, even though I am sure it was pretty. I hope everyone is fairing well, sharing lots of hugs and kisses with those you love, and want eachto know that I am sending my hugs and kisses within the thoughts of this post.
God Bless each of you, and your loved ones and homes. Write soon.
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