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Family Weblog

7/16/2005 07:37:00 PM

Special Notes

I have not been able to maintain this site as I had originally intended when I created it, mostly from a lack of sufficient input to keep the page fresh. I hope now that the site is back up that some of you will want to participate in the CONTENT of this page. All are welcome, so send me your recent pictures, update information on birthdays, weddings, even divorces if you like, anything that will contribute to the site as a repository for information that can be shared with other members of the extended family.

In the past the blog has been limited in use to just myself and Ashleigh being able to post directly to it, and others have been limited to responding in 'comments' by the link at the bottom of each post. In an effort to perhaps get more participation of the family and better utilize a common area for posting news, comments, updates to family information, and just general hello type posting, I am offering anyone in the family the availability to post freely on this Blog as they desire, so long as they keep all the postings non-offensive, something we all can be edified with by reading. So, if any of you have a computer and would like to have this option to post to the whole world family that may read this Blog, send me an email and let me know. In the subject line of the email, please indicate "Blog Posting". I will upon receipt send you an invite, which is the standard procedure from 'Blogger.Com" and all you will have to do is respond to the invite and originate a name for your posting, or identity, and you can then post notes to your heart's content. I think it would be great, especially if say Elexene could post her weekly letters to everyone here, and save all that postage, envelopes, etc. This service is built into my account for my web-site and there is no reason why anyone in the family that has access to a computer could not avail themselves to it also.

For those that would rather not get involved in posting to a Blog, I am going to establish what is known as a "Tag" board, where at anytime you can post a quick note, or lengthy one if you wish to the board, and hit the "tag" button and it will be there for all to read and respond to. There are three parts to the tag board, a "NAME" where you can enter whatever you like, or even your own name, an "E-MAIL" where you can enter your email address, and finally a writing area where you can compose your message. Your email address is optional. You can post a note without entering your email address, but your name or a name, whatever you may choose,if you would rather not post your name, should be entered. Preferably, it would be nice if everyone in the spirit of this site enter their actual name. Look for it soon, I am still formatting the layout to include underneath the current Weblog area.

Write me and let me know what you think. Let's communicate

Love to all,


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