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2/21/2005 08:34:00 PM

Special Notes

Well here it is almost 7 months since I have posted anything on this site. But now having spoken to most of you, (there are some important exceptions, all whom I did not get to speak to) I just wanted to let everyone know how good it was to speak to each of you and hear your voices, and touch base with my Kentucky homes. I spoke at length to Donna and then to Connie, and got uptodate on their families. I tried to reach Sharon but could not get through so left a long message.

Importantly, after speaking to Donna she tells me of some 'spots' she has on her lungs that her doctors are watching very closely. She has my prayers, and I'm sure all of you share that feelilng also.

Today was supposed to be the delivery day for Ashleigh, ( and Justin, and Taylor) to deliver their new son, Lawson Wade DeCecca. At the time of my call and speaking to Aunt Elexene, Patty and Uncle John, Ashleigh had not yet delivered. My prayers are with all of you for her healthy delivery and well being of her and their new son.

I was saddened to hear that Esther's mom had passed away just very recently, and I can understand the feelings that can leave someone with loosing a dear family memeber. I pray that she has healing soon from her grief, and that she also heals and gains improvements to her health having just also had a heart attack too.

We are all getting up in age, and health problems is something that stalks each of us in different ways, but I happy to believe that most of our family walks as God would have us, and that whatever befalls us will be bearable through the Lord. That does not lessen or negate the sorrow we feel at the loss of loved ones. My dear mother is 89, and in somewhat fair health, but her health is a concern for us hear almost daily. She is and does write almost daily, read her bible, and keep me busy being her secretary, grocer, wrangler, etc. I am thankful that at my age I can still do things for her.

I told each of you I spoke to that I am planning very definitely on coming back there this summer, probably between mid June, first of August. Not sure yet. Pray with me that it is possible to do so this summer.

I told Donna that we have been having so much rain in Las Vegas, that I feel like I have been transplanted back to Kentucky. Our yearly average rain fall is about 4.5 inches. Since the first of the year we have had almost 6.5 thus far. Raining 4-5 days a week for several past weeks.

My love to all, send me new pictures of each of you and your families, and I will post new ones of my side out here.

Elexene, telll Taylor she is not too young to start beginning typing!



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