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7/06/2004 08:40:17 PM

Special Notes

Well Hello everyone. It has been a long time since I last posted this page, and I apologize. As of April 20, 2004, I am again working at the Nevada Test Site, and hope to be able to spend my remaining working years there till retirement, or the Rapture, whichever comes first. I have been doing well, am dieting and getting in shape, and working now a schedule of four days a week, off of Friday, Saturday, and Sundays. I love a four day week!! My mother is doing well, but does not have the strength she did just a couple of years ago, but she stays busy writing, and has just got a serious inquiry for publishing some of her works, that I do all the typing for. Katie, has made the Junior Varsity squad of a brand new High School, Del Sol, that will open this fall, and from now until the start of school, they all (her squad, inclucing the Varsity) are in training camps for gymnastics, aerobics, and cheering. They just finished the weekend selling fireworks at a corner fireworks stand to help raise addtional funding for their uniforms and outfits, which they each must buy. Katie's cost is $900.00 wich includes several work-out camps, professional training, etc. A real hardship on all of the girls, and the financial burden eliminated some of them from the squad. But schools here are always underfunded as I guess just about everywhere else in teh country. JO and Tara are doing well. JO has retired, and spends most of her days cooking new receipes and visiting with mother, or rearranging her furniture once a week! Because of the new job, I will need to put in some time before I will be able to visit Kentucky, but I am hopefully planning a trip this fall, when the leaves are turning, if not, I regret to say, I may not be there till spring. I have had absolutely no time off from working since I returned from Kentucky, but in my line of work that has been the only way it can be. If I had completed jobs without having another to go to immediately, I could have come between jobs, but the cards didn't fall that way, and now with the new job, there will be no lay-offs, it is a permanent job unless I quit. I get personal accrual time each month, and I can take time off without pay also, so when the timeing looks right, I will be on my way God willing. Elexene, I love getting your letters, and me and mom read them the day I get them usually, and tell Ash I am praying for her and her family and her doctors for good news. Sharon, I get your cards all of the time, and most of the time when I try to respond, they come back as unaccepted. Maybe your computer has blockage on email from my neck of the woods. Ashleigh, I tried to answer a couple of your emails, and I get an answer back that your mail box is too full, and cannot accept mine. I pray that each of you in NIcholasville, and Russellville are doing well, that you all will be there for me to visit when I get there, and hopefully that won't be long. I think about you all and how much I look forward to another visit. Please write soon, and I promise I will write sooner myself.
God Bless each of you.
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