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Family Weblog

10/23/2003 11:31:48 AM

Special Notes

E-Mail from Sharon,

Hi Dear Brother, I had tried several times to reach the family album. was
glad to see that you were back.. We are all doing ok. Our Church is doing a
Judgement House for Halloween. Randy has a part. He is real active in
church. Our church is the first Church to present a judgement house in
R'ville. We attend the Eastside Baptist Church. We probaly have maybe 50 to
60 members. Very small. All of the children are involved in "Kids of
Faith". They do presentations and do some traveling to surrounding counties
to put out their message. Randy is a good kid.. He just turned 16. He also
has a GPA of 3.5 and is involved in ROTC and hopes to go into the service
after he graduates. I am doing good. Working and busy with family and
granddaughters. Keep Bill in your prayers. He has decided to return to
work. He is working and seems to be doing ok. He says that he gets sore but
just from not doing anything for the past 18 months. Taylor Paige has to go
for some test on her kidneys Monday and from that they are going to decide
if and when to do surgery on her kidneys. Shelby Layne has two bottom teeth
and laughs all the time unless she is hungry. Mitch and Amy are doing good,
other than Taylor having problems with her kidneys. Misty, Matthew and
Daisy are doing good. Daisy was in the hospital about a month ago. She had a
virus and wouldn't drink or eat anything. She is doing a lot better now.
Misty has decided to go part time at the bank and then resign to stay home
and be a full time Mom. Connie, Tony,A.J, Jeramy and Ashleigh are doing OK.
They work all the time. AJ is doing good in school. Donna, Bubba, Josh,
Nicole and Kaylee are doing ok. Nicole is anxiously awaiting her new baby
boy (also everyone else.) Expected arrival date is the end of November( I
expect sooner) Kaylee has been sick with a virus, but is better now. Mom has
been under the weather with cold or flu or some type of (epizootie). She
feels better She did not leave the house at all last week end. very unusual
for Mom. She has a brother(Uncle Junior) who had a stroke 3-4 years ago and
he lost his wife a year ago She sees after him and anyone else who needs
taking care of. Especially grand children and great grand children. Just
wanted to update you. We all send our love and tell everyone Hi for us. Love

| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

10/19/2003 03:40:46 PM

Special Notes

To all my family and friends that may have visited lately and found my site was down, just a note to let everyone know that I have changed Web Host, and had to take a week to iron out some coding wrinkles. (never ending, it seems) I hope to be with this host, Value Web for quite some time. I can recommend them, highly. During the past week, as I encountered problems with this site's massive change over, I reached tech support everytime I called, and under one minute wait time to boot! They stayed on the phone with me, and helped me answer and solve each and every question, without ever seeming to rush or act like they had another client on hold. I am impressed. I will be posting further rants and ruminations in the near future, after the dust has settled so to speak, from this last week. Have a great Monday!
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