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Family Weblog

8/22/2003 09:31:03 PM

Special Notes

Updates from Sharon

Hi Was glad to hear from you. E-mail is nice but sound of voice is better. The doctor says Daisy has a large gastric reflux. They have her on medication and hope that will take care of the problem. She is doing better. Misty and Matthew are working and doing ok. Mitch, Amy and girls are ok. Taylor is getting ready to begin gymnastics. Shelby is trying to crawl. Donna, Bubba, Josh, Nicole and Kaylee are doing ok. Kaylee is not liking kindergarden... She wants to talk all the time ! She is a regular chatter box. Connie Tony, AJ, Jeremy and Ashleigh are doing ok. AJ"s baseball season is over. Randy is doing good in high school. He is going to Logan County this year. He has adjusted pretty good.. Bill passed all of his welding test, visual and x-ray. there were about 70 contractors that signed off on his welding.. he is getting ready to go to work probaly 9-3-03. We just hope that his back will let him work..... Mom is still having problems with her knees.. other than that she is ok.. stay's busy. Tell Jo Ellen Happy B day. Give her our love Be good Be careful Love you Sharon Ky Sis
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