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Family Weblog

2/19/2003 12:54:57 PM

Special Notes

Updates from NichvegasJust wanted to let everyone know we have survived the ice storm of '03 and that we are all okay. Justin and I are in our new home which is actually about 30 yrs old. And loving it!! Taylor has her own room and it is lavendar from top to bottom. And she loves the house too. It has an old fashioned tree swing in the back yard that thankfully survived the storm and she goes out there even now when the weather is at least bearable! The dogs have plenty of room to run and are actually enjoying the ice- they eat it!! We did lose a giant tree out of the yard actually pulled up out of the ground by the roots. But no power loss or other major occurence and we did have a 2 day break from school which is nice. Would love to know how the family in the western part of the state faired as well. Justin got some good photos so I will e-mail them to Mickey for all to see first hand. Just wanted to check in with all and let you know we survived, so please take care of yourselves and stay warm if in Ky. And enjoy the beautiful weather if your out there in the real Vegas!! hint hint Mickey!! Much love to all, Ashleigh
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