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11/18/2002 06:53:52 PM

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Update from Las Vegas

It is always nice to get an update from Sharon, I love to hear how the family is doing in that part of the state. Here in Las Vegas, we all are doing fine, and life is going along fair for each of us. JoEllen is now running the grooming shop by herself, as her partner of many years (25 years?) passed on several weeks ago, so she has been busy re-organizing and re-establishing business clients and hiring other groomers. She has been very ill the past two weeks also, with a separated rib, and inflamation of her sinuses, but after a visit to the doctors, seems to be on the mend. Her work is hard work lifting and washing and grooming dogs. I told her long ago she should be doing hair (on people) but she said she would rather work with dogs! My mother, Elenore, is doing well, having a little equilibrium problem, and is probably a direct reslut of her injury several years ago when she fell and broke her back and her neck. We have tried to get her to go to a doctor, but she says she refuses to spend her remaining time here on earth stuck in a doctor's office, and is convinced that is what would be the outcome of any visit. My dad, Jack, is still enjoying his retirement and puttering around the house and doing his least favorite work (yardwork). He has a brown thumb, but manages to keep the place up. I am waiting a call from my union to go back to work in the pipefitting-plumbing construction trade, and hope to get back to my old employment where I got hurt three years ago. Jacque, my daughter, has pulled an elopment on me, and is now married. All this happened from May of this year till now. She met her husband while on a sky trip in British Columbia, Canada, and apparently had a very fast whirlwind romance. This is the first I have known of it, this weekl. She has not been very good keeping in touch with me, or her mother, very independent. She has promised to send pictures and details, so I will wait and see. Tara, my neice is still working in the casino industry, buyt is going now also going to school for graphic arts to get her degree, and wants to go independent into that line of work upon completion of her schooling. She really hates dealing cards, and works full time at the MonteCarlo Hotel. She said it would be rough getting started over again, and she will surely miss the pay, but just cannot deal with the dealing much longer! We all will be celebrating this Thanksgiving again at my mother's house, and I am truely thankful that again I am able to spend another Thanksgiving with her, and her cooking, at her age. I will be having a second Thanksgiving with Katie and her family, so I am sure by the end of the day I will be more than well fed! I wish everyone a special Thanksgiving, and wish that I could drop in every house and dinner for a few minutes with each of my family in NIcholasville and Russellville, but the thoughts and knowledge that all of you are safe will have to do for now. I send my love to each of you, and pray that God will continue to bless our family, each and every one.
love, Mick
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Family Weblog

11/18/2002 06:39:12 PM

Special Notes

Sharon's Update E-Mail from Russellville

Hi Hope you are doing well. We are all ok except for colds due to the weather change. We are ok other than that. Bill is building wind chimes. They look pretty good. We have been going to some arts and craft shows. I usually go with him. I like talking to the different people. I am no sales person. They tell us we should know something about workmans comp by middle of Feb. or early March. It has been a little tough but we are making it. Bill is still complaing with his foot and leg. I don't know if it will ever be any better. I have read all the updates. It appears every one is doing good. Are you all going to have a big Thanksgiving? We are all going to Connie and Tony's for Thanksgiving. It is also AJ's birthday. We will all pitch in and cook. Connie will tell you she is not Miss Betty Crocker ( she
is telling the truth) I am off for four days. I was off Monday for Veterans Day. Long week ends are nice. We didn't do any thing, just rested. Mitch and Amy still are not sure what this next baby is going to be. They think another little girl. They couldn't tell when they did the last Ultra sound. We just hope it is healthy. Mom is doing ok. Uncle Junior's wife is not doing very good. She has been diagnosised with lung cancer ( she didn't smoke) and is not doing well. Junior is Mom's brother.two years ago he had a stroke and the stroke affected his right side plus his speech. He has regained some of his mobility in his right arm and leg but still can not say
very many words, any way Audrey is his wife. Mom has been trying to check on them. Mom is always into something. It doesn't do any good to tell her too slow down. I am going to say bye for now. Tell everyone hello and tell them we love them. Love you too. Bye for now
Sharon kaye
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