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Family Weblog

10/17/2002 02:47:49 PM

Special Notes

New Pictures!
Last Tuesday, I received a CD with pictures of Taylor DeCecca's 3rd Birthday Party from Ashleigh. The CD had 40 various pictures included, and some great recent shots of her, her mom Ashleigh, and Patty Taylor, along with a great shot of Justin and Taylor. Judy also has said she would send some of the reunion my way when she gets back from her trip and squared away, so I will be posting them soon too. Look for the new post of Ashleighs pictures here on this page now. I will be working on them the next couple of days. Hope everyone is fine elsewhere in the country, and my love to all,
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

10/15/2002 05:39:03 PM

Special Notes

Las Vegas Express Note
Well, just a quick note to let everyone know that we in Las Vegas are well and ok, Joey is still doing her dog grooming, and says she is making more money than she cares to say =), Dad is enjoying his retirement, and whittling down his list of things to do that Mom has created over the years. Mom is writing daily and working on a new book for publication, she doesn't think she will every get it finished, but would like to send it to her publishers sometime this spring. Me, I am looking to go back into my career in pipefitting and plumbing, as I have gotten a release from my doctor to return to my former profession. The office work that I am doing pays very little, and there seems to be more politics within the small confines of the office than in the trades. I am doing well, and hoping that this Fall is a long one, the weather is beautiful. Sharon, I have not been getting your emails, apparently, and every time I call, I usually do so at the wrong time. I spoke to Donna, and she is about the only person that I can get on the phone. I tried Cathy, Connie, and you, but will try again soon. I miss everyone in Russellville, and Nicholasville too. It sounds like Uncle John and Elexene, Ashleigh and Patty and Judy and Becca and the gang had a great reunion. I wish I could have been there, and visited down West too. Won't be long till next spring and summer, and I will venture to say that I again will be hitting the road for your directions. I understand most of the computer access relatives in Russellville are indisposed or their computers are down right now, from Donna, so I hope that is soon taken care of so we can get some post from that part of the state too. I hope Judy and/or Becca might want to participate too for the Blog. I still check my mail every day for the pictures from Becky, Esther and Dudley and Debbie that I have been promised. I am about to give up on those. I have also posted a little story about an accident I had when I was 16 years old, you can get there to read it at click here. Love to all, Mick
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