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Family Weblog

10/08/2002 12:40:45 PM

Special Notes

Well I wanted to update the family on the happenings here is our little city. We had the visit with Judy's daughter Becca and it went well. A few awkward moments but that was to be expected. She and her family are really nice and there are alot of family similarities (physical and personality). It was interesting to see how much alike she and Judy are even with the years apart. They are truly kindred spirits. Her husband, David, is very nice and extremely talented. He has produced 2 CD's that Becca did the graphics for and teaches at a college there in Rhode Island. Becca is a graphic designer and works out of her home running her own business. And their little son Ethan who turned 2 in June, is just a doll and looks so much like the Cox family it is scary! He and Taylor had a lot of fun playing together. Overall, the weekend went really well and I will be going to visit them in R.I. while Justin and I are in Mass. for Thanksgiving. I will be sending pictures to Mickey as I get them of our weekend.
We also had Taylor's 3rd birthday party on Saturday. She turned 3 on Friday and we had a big to-do on Saturday. She got tons of presents- clothes and toys and books, etc. She thinks she is the bee's knees which I tend to agree with =). But doesn't understand that those gifts are it until Christmas. She thinks she should just keep opening presents from now until forever! It was a wonderful party- she had the Powerpuff Girls Theme. Family and friends attended and we had cake, ice cream, and face painting. She had a blast!!
As for myself- I did get the job I last blogged about and will start on Oct. 17. I will actually get a raise in pay that I wasn't expecting which is really nice. I am a little nervous, I guess because I have been at Dispatch so long. I will really miss my job here, and the people I work with but this opportunity is too good to pass up. So I am gonna jump on in. Plus I will be working with my preachers wife and that will make it very comfortable as she and I are good friends. So, I guess that is all for now. Been pretty busy around here, as you can see. I will update as new things happen, and look forward to updates from the western part of Ky too. Take care all and much love, Ash
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