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9/20/2002 03:58:51 PM

Special Notes

Well I have a little good news to share with the family. After 5 years of 911 dispatching, I may be moving on. Monday I am supposed to be offered a position I have applied for with our county school system. It is working with middle school students in an afterschool enrichment program. I will get experience tutoring and managing all the kids involved. As I hope to get to finish my college education at some point with a major in Secondary English education this will give me great experience and a "foot in the door" with our local system. My hours would be part time but I will get full time benefits such as insurance and sick time. So I am really praying for this to work out. I would be working with my preachers wife- as she is the one who told me about the position. I interviewed today and she has told me that they have only 1 reference left to check and that as long as all works out they will offer me the position late on Monday. And for now my home computer is on the blink so I will only be able to communicate at work. We are having it serviced for the next couple of days so bare with me. I hope to have it up and running soon. Well I'm at work now, and we are really busy, so I will update more later. Keep your fingers crossed!!! Take care all!! Much love, Ash
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