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9/14/2002 12:50:47 PM

Special Notes

The latest from Nichvegas
First off congrats to Mitch and Amy on their upcoming addition. I am TOO jealous. Ready for another little one here! But am gonna wait until next summer to try- I already did the huge and pregnant thing in the summer. Like a beached whale drying up in the hot sun. Think I will try winter time next. =) As for the happenings here in Nicholasville... we are dealing with some sickness here. Nana has had a sinus bug for about a week, and now my little Taylor has it. Bless her heart, teenie ones are so miserable when they are sick. We did go as a family to a Sept. 11 memorial service Wednesday night at our courthouse lawn. It was very nice. We had a couple of people speak that had been to "Ground Zero". They could barely hold back tears. And now it looks as if we will be heading to war with Iraq. Not looking forward to that. But President Bush has 250 million people to look out for and I pray that his decisions will keep us safe and wipe Saddam off the face of the planet. On my personal front, Nana and Grandit have bought us a house up the road from them that Justin and I are totally repainting, recarpeting, and reflooring. Not to mention updating the decor and most of the fixtures throughout the house. When it is finished and once our house we own now is sold we will move in and rent it from them. I love my house now but this new/old one is bigger and will be beautiful once finished, and will save us money in the long run. So, as I'm sure you all understand, you go where the money gets saved. Plus it has a HUGE backyard with big trees and a tree swing that Taylor just loves!! So we are just busy, busy!! But housing market being slow here, I dont know when/if our house will sell. Praying that it all works out... And lastly I want to apologize for not updating my blogs. And am gonna do my best to keep eveyone up to date on the happenings here a little more often. Please all take care of one another and give my love to all!! Ashleigh
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