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8/10/2002 10:24:47 PM

Special Notes

News Flash
I spoke to Donna today, and she tells me most everything is well in Russellville and that Mitch and Amy are expecting a new addition to their family! Congratulations Mitch and Amy. This will be their second, and give little Taylor Paige a sibling to play with. Says that most of the gang today was pulling maintenance fund raiser in a cemetary in those parts, cleaning, and such. Tells me Connie ("BH") Stewart and mom Cathy are doing all they can to support Connie and Tony's son A.J. in his baseball playing, driving roundtrip to BowlingGreen every evening almost. I spoke to Randy Winstead today also, and he tells me he is already in school, 9th grade. Got a chance to say hello to Josh also. I tried to call Sharon, Connie, Cathy, but they were all busy, and out of range on their cells, but I asked Donna to be sure and tell everyone I called, and to make sure she gave each of them a kiss on the cheek and tell them specifically that it was from me. So, I expect everyone has been kissed by now, and if you haven't, you need to collect from Donna! By the way, at the end of each of these posts, and others, there is a "Comment" sentence that you can click on and add your two cents to what has been said, or anything else you would like to say, or say something about what someone else has already said. So if you have a computer, and I know several of you do, it is sorta like talking over the back fence, except, you get to let a lot more of the family in on your thoughts, and maybe even get some feedback from them too. Just so you know, I spoke to Donna about it, and she didn't realize you could do this. Donna also may be taking over the Russelville posting duties for a while to give Nicole a break for some of her personal business. I am hoping soon, that maybe Ashleigh can start posting some tid-bits from up Nicholasville way, and I want to ask Judy if she would like to be a contributor, or maybe her and Becca, so that we get spread out a little more around the country, and make each of our local news and "gossip" a little broader scoped. I am still tinkering withthe page, and am always open for ideas. I want to keep the page coded in such a way that the 'loading' time is not too long, but I also want to balance that with some attractive presentations so that the page isn't too bland, or become boring. Well, at least I can hope, ya know. My love to all, and have a good Lord's Day tomorrow, be safe, and know that I think often about each of you, and wonder many times through the day how each of you are doing. =)
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

8/08/2002 07:30:23 PM

Special Notes

Good News
I got a great email today from Judy Cox, and she has sent me some pictures which I have down loaded and am working on preparations for posting. It will be great to have these new additions, and I will be featuring her grandson, Ethan, if possible. I have attached a copy of her letter and is attached as follows for everyone to hear her news.

Sorry to be so long in writing to you. It has been a very busy summer at the park, so that by the time I get home I'm quite ready to head to bed. I'm attaching the newest pictures of my little family. Ethan was 2 on June 8...hence the picture of him and the cupcake.We're metting in KY the last weekend in September so Becca can meet the folks. I'm sure there will be lots of pictures taken so I will send some then. I'll get a recent one of me, and of Frank and me. I hoping to get one of the 4 generations. Frank has started his own cabinet installation business and is doing really good. I'm hoping that shortly I can quit at the park and go to work with him. Mom gave me a copy of the picture you took of her and Dad. It was great! I'll be in touch again after the visit and let you know how it went. Love, Judy

Well, I can hardly wait to get off line, and go work on the pictures. This is Thursday evening, so check back if you are reading this today. I will post the new pictures later this evening if everything goes well. Now, all we need is to get the family pictures from Esther and Dudley and Becky and their generations and we will have a round robin. I can't wait. Love to all, Mick
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