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7/19/2002 11:53:25 PM

Special Notes

Jeramy and Ashley, today, Saturday, July 20, 2002, is your day!
My prayer for both of you is that you will always put the Lord first, each other next, and your children next. I pray the Lord will watch over your union, shower you with His blessings as only He can see fit, and that you have many years of happiness together. Remember, marriage is a partnership, equal, jointly, and requires a great investment from each of you, but the rewards are worth every ounce of your investment. You enter into an institution ordained by the Lord, remember Him always in your relationship and YOU WILL be blessed. God Bless you both
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

7/18/2002 08:35:20 PM

Special Notes

Anniversary Greetings! and other stuff too!
I would have liked to have had a nice or even almost nice picture of Donna and James to put up in honor of their anniversary, as well as Misty and Matthew, but I am still waiting on those pictures. Maybe Connie can talk them into posing for one shot for the site! I haven't heard anything from Nicholasville in several days, and nothing more about Esther and Dudley sending pictures this way to add to our collection. I am sure we will hear from Ashley, and the Nicholasville clan, soon, but they must be very busy making plans for Judy and Becca's visit coming up shortly. I hope soon to get the promised pictures from Esther, so that we can represent her family and offspring, on that side of the Cox's, too! Myself, I am way behind on telephone calls to each of you, and hope again this weekend to sit down and get some talk time into Connie, Donna, and Sharon. My new job has a very steep learning curve, and I sit in front of a computer all day long each day, and now, by the time I come home, I am beginning to get just a little feelings of aversion to sitting in front of my own computer. I am sure that will pass, as I settle into the job, and my learning curve flattens out. I really want to get this site going, and would like very much to have participation of Judy and Becca, and their loved ones, involved or at least posted, too. Right now, the only news I am getting is pretty much from my sister Sharon, and I surely do appreciate her letters, her encouragement, and most of all her love. I am going to post here her most recent email, for others to enjoy also.
From Sharon
I am glad to say my arm is better, not well but better. I am taking physical therapy 3 times a week. Bill is doing ok. He picked blackberries one day this week, He got about a gallon. Mom has made some good black berry cobbler. YUM, YUM. Can you smell it cooking???? We will make sure we keep some in the freezer for when you visit next summer. I meant tocall you this past weekend. Maybe this week end. Jeramy and Ashleigh are getting married Saturday, We are trying to get ready for the happy event. How is every one in Vegas doing? Has the children started school? Randy starts 8-7-02 and AJ starts the 7-31-02. His school is on the alternative schedule. How is the family in Nicholasville. It is hard to believe uncle John will be 80. He still does pretty good. I hope if I live to be 80 I amable to be in as good as shape as he is. I don't know any thing else to tell you. Donna asked me if I had read the article on "The Barn". It had the same effect on her. I asked her if she e-mailed you and of course she said no. As far as I know every one in R' Ville are doing very well. One last thing Misty and Matthew's anniversary is also on the 18th of July. Please remember Misty Tuesday as she goes for surgery. I love you, Be safe and happy. Have a good weekend off. Bye
Sharon Kaye
Well that is her letter, and to answer some of the questions about out here in Vegas; Jo'e partner of many years in the dog-grooming business died about a week ago, so she is involved in making changes around the shop and new staffing. Tara is doing well, as is Craig, and they are planning a new barbque party sometime in August if we can get a shady-cool day (Fat chance in Vegas, that time of year. The weather here has been threatening severe storms for about 8 days now, so far we have got just enough rain to leave splatters on my car ( I knew I shouldn't have washed it yet!) If the clouds that have been passing over us had burst, I could probably take a boat to Kentucky, North or South route. If we get anywhere near a half inch of rain, in any given twentyfour hour period, it borders on the 100 year flood records. If we ever got a real inch or more in one down as has our SanAntonio lately, the entire town would be washed Eastward to the valley border and mountains, and we would all be covered by a very thick deep layer of mud. They wouldn't be able to find the town. I am serious, the slightest heavy short down pour causes valley wide flash flooding here. We have been getting thunder, lightening, thunderheads, but the rain just won't come. My mother is doing ok, writing most every day and posting her stories on her Weblog, Dad is enjoying his retirement (double so during the hot summer when he gets extra long siestas during the hot part of the day, you know like from 4:30am till about 11:30 in the evening when the temperature plummets to below 90 degrees). So we out here are just plugging along, watching the events of the world unfold around us, enjoying our time together while we can. I miss seeing all of you in Kentucky, more so now that I have again been back to refresh your images in my heart and mind. I am hoping the Lord will tarry long enough for me to have another trip next May-June to come and see you. My love to all, Happy Anniversary Donna and James, and congratulations and the best of wishes for Jeramy and Ashleigh, and happy anniversary also to Misty and Matthew today too! I need a good picture of both of you also! Misty, I will pray for you and your operation, and ask the Lord to give your doctor sure hands and a ready mind to perform your surgery. Again, I love you all, and tell Bill, Sharon, that when I again come back, I expect to do a little fishing with him, and I don't mean in his aquariums!! And yes, Sharon, I can smelll the cobler, and I can almost taste it too. MMM GOOD
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