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6/27/2002 07:08:08 PM

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Hello Brother Mick, Was reading thru the updates, I agree with you 100%. We are all doing pretty good considering. I still have the cast. It is about ready to drive me crazy. It just slows me down But I get it off in 2 weeks.It has been hot ad humid here. It is nice in the afternoon if the wind is blowing. Bill went back to the Doctor yesterday. He can get rid of the back brace and start doing some swimming. He ordered warm water therapy. Bill said he wished he had asked him to also order some salt and sand. Donna's back is doing better. James and Josh have been working on their farm in tobacco. Connie and Tony are working around their house and going to AJ's ball games. Mom is still doing too much. She is always on the go. Miss Taylor ( my grand daughter) is having test done on her kidney's
tomorrow. I pray everything is ok. Misty is having a hysterectomy 7-23-02. So Daisy is their miracle child. Misty and Matthew have their 4th anniversary on 7-18-02. I also think Donna and Bubba's anniversary is in July. Mickey I have been watching CNN news. I am worried about the happening especially here. .. Please be safe and careful. I said a prayer for all of you. I am going to go for now. Keep up the good work on the web site. Love to you and the rest. Tell Joey Hi and give her my love. Have a safe 4th of July. Bye

| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

6/26/2002 07:56:22 PM

Special Notes

When this nation can no longer proudly claim we are a nation UNDER GOD (meaning under His principles, His guidance, His blessings) then this nation will surly start the long downhill grade to equality with the world's many lesser nations.
One Nation Under God
When I first started my personal BlogHead, found within the main menu page of my web site, I stated that this nation was under attack from extremists, not only from without, but also from within, on all fronts, even the color of our money. Now the Assinine 9th Judicial Courts has decided that it will be illegal to recite the Pledge of Allegiance with the words of 'under God' contained within the phrase. This is done in behest of Political Correctness, as the singer 'Charlie Daniels' stated 'run amok'. That is an understatment. This is just another volley fired at our religious freedoms, under the guise and foolishly administered, constitutional division of 'church and state', and has no semblance of the meanings intended, or expressed, in the words of the constitution as written. Mark this down, the next attack will be the United States notes, that bear the words, "One Nation Under God", and extremists will not be satisfied, until the wishes of the few, misguided, unholy, and decidedly unGodly, views held as a minority, are held over and above, the wishes beliefs and constitution, of the many. This great nation was founded on the belief in God, people came to this country to escape the religious tyrany of thier prior homelands, and founded this nation UNDER GOD. These atheistic, unGodly, valueless, without moral foundations, these ignorant people, will meet this same God they deny, less than one second into eternity, as they shut their eyes in death. The pity is, they will be too late then, to acknowledge the God they now deny. This is just the beginning of sorrows for this nation. This nation has always prospered, always claimed the umbrella of God, now a few will deny the many, this blessing(s) of God, and this nation will go the way of others, because the leaders of this nation will not stand up to the few, for the needs of the many. If my children were in school, and are/were required to say the Pledge of Allegiance, they would have very good instructions from me that they have their right to recite the Allegiance, with the words UNDER GOD, as their inalienable rights of this country to express their religious freedom, and I defy anyone, attorney, the laughable Ninth Distric Courts, teacher, or otherwise, to infringe on that right. When matters in this country finally come to God, or the law of the land, then I choose to stand on the side of God, and the law of this land can be damned. This land can deal with it. Believe me, the day is coming when anyone that chooses to stand for God, or Jesus Christ, will be persecuted by those of this land, and others, that have already choosen to serve another master. These people who are the ROOT STOCK (all members of the Ninth Judicial Court of Appeals that voted for this display of stupidity) of the current movement now to ban UNDER GOD from this nation's Pledge of Allegiance, and eventually any trace of God mentioned anywhere. They have already done so in the public buildings; this same ROOT STOCK will do all they can to prevail their UNGODLY will, that will will evolve into something totally UNGODLY, that eventually will take this country down to their level of UNGODLINESS, and ultimate judgement. Take a look around at the nations that deny the existance of God, see how they live? See what their standards of living are. Name one nation that outrightly denies the existance of God, or serves any (g)od other than the Almighty God Jehovah, that is self sustaining, self reliant, not constantly at war, training terrorists, not poverty stricken, disease ridden, not on the edges and fringes of dire straits, not living under the tyrany of a dictator. Check it out, as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord, God Almighty. Politcally Correct, NEVER!! Pragmatic, ALWAYS!
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