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6/18/2002 08:35:54 PM

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Some Words from Sharon
This is some excerpts from Sharon's last e-mail......
The first week I didn't e-mail we were really busy here at work. That procrastionation thing. was going to e-mail you on Friday 6-7-02. But guess what? Good ole graceful me fell in the front office and broke my right arm. I was off last week. I have a full arm cast. Kinda hard to brush your teeth left handed. I have had to learn how to do alot of things left handed from my old shoulder injury in 92. Still have not mastered the curling arm. I came back to work today. I'm a little slow, but
will manage. I read all the updates from the rest of the family. Just wanted to say I think you do a Great job. I am glad you like your job. I am also glad that you have a second DAD. And that you all have a great relationship. I am also glad Ashleigh had good news. I also know how it is to worry about your children. Misty goes back to the OB-GYN today. She is having female problems. which is an ongoing problem. We are very thankful and grateful that God blessed our lives with Daisy Sue. Matthew has been sick with a
sinus infection. ( late note) Misty's stomach doctor says that he thinks her pancrease is ok. lab work came back ok.......... Donna has had trouble with her back. She was at the ER Friday with back spasms. She is feeling better. Bill is feeling better also. Connie is doing good. AJ was picked for the All Stars saturday. This is his second summer in the All Stars. Mom is OK. She stays on the go. Just wanted to give you a update. and to let you know I love you. and look forward to see the pictures from Dudley's side. Give Joey our love and tell her HI!
Love Sharon
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

6/16/2002 01:20:24 PM

Special Notes

Father's Day
Well, I hope everyone had a good Father's Day for all of us that are out there!! We all know we probably deserve a good one!=) I took my father out to breakfast and had a nice visit, then we drove around town to see some different sites he was interested in. Spent the rest of the morning with my mother, then visite with Katie, my 'adopted' daughter. Good Day to everyone.
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