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Family Weblog

6/13/2002 08:31:36 PM

Special Notes

Good News!!
Got an email from Ashleigh the other day, and she tells me that Esther Cox is getting together family pictures representing her children, grandchildren, etc to be included in the album along with the rest of the family. I am anxious to get the pictures and to post them and see all of my other relatives that have grown up without my ever getting to know them. I am so happy that everyone is willing to participate in this little family portrait. This whole idea, is to be a venue that everyone that is willing, can participate in, and contribute to, not just pictures, but stories, good news and bad news, receipes, etc., that you might want to share with others within the family, or just need a place to sound off or use as a sounding board among the family. I hope also to get Judy and Frank and her extended family involved in participation to really make the circle more complete. Hello to everyone, and keep praying for Donna, Bill, and Sharon to maintain her strength as she nurses Bill back to his full recovery. Keep Ashleigh in your prayers also, as she is having some great difficulty now with her knee, and may eventually need surgery. I would ask that anyone and everyone that reads this, give my love to others that may not yet have access to a computer, or online capability. Another week-end coming up, and I am really enjoying my new career, and look forward to a great future with the company. Besides, it is only about four minutes from my house!!!! +++ ===))))) Have a great week-end everyone, be careful, watch your children, kiss and hug those you love, and pray for all.
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