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5/25/2002 04:23:09 PM

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I got a good letter from Ashleigh today, and thought I would share a portion of it with those that have had her in their prayers lately...
"Hey just got in to work and got chance to get on the computer finally! I heard from my doc last night. He left a message on my machine that the scan not find
anything abnormal and he didn't think I had anything to worry about. Whew!!! I am SO thankful that everything is okay!!! I had had this in my shoulder since the morning of the test and it has just vanished =). Stress I suppose. I still have to see the knee surgeon on Tues. but I not very worried about that visit. I am much less concerned about the prospect of surgery than chemo or radiation. But I am so glad about the negative result I could just scream. My mom was so thankful. She had been really worried about it too. Thank you for your prayers. I feel like so many people helped to bring about a good outcome. I am thankful that so
many people are so thoughtful and loving."
The Lord is Great and Merciful, Blessed be the name of the Lord. Ashleigh went on to say that she wished me and everyone a safe and good Memorial Day week-end. I concur, and send my love to all those of my family, everywhere they are this Memorial Day Week-End. Be Safe, Be Prayerful, Be Joyous, Be Charitable, Love one another. Tell those you love, you do, and tell them often.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

5/24/2002 12:44:41 PM

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Prayer Request
An excerpt of an email from Ashleigh in Nicholasville
On a different note please be praying for me these next few days. I was having some trouble with my knee so I went in to the doc and he did an x-ray and found a spot on my shin that was unrelated to the fluid on my knee and although
he didn't think it was anything he sent it to the radiologist. They sent me a letter telling me to go have a limited bone scan. So I went for that today. They injected some radioactive junk in my blood and then 2 hrs later took a few scans of my leg. I won't know anything until the earliest tomorrow. They said my doc could call and get the dictated results Friday if he wanted.
I received another letter today Friday, and Ashleigh is till waiting for word from her doctor. She will let me know asap. Please, everyone, pray for her and her family that the Lord will strengthen her during this trial in her life, and of her family, and that the Lord will be merciful and she receives 'good' news from her tests.
I pray that everyone in my family will have a safe, happy Memorial Day week-end, just remember to be vigilant for our country and countrymen.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

5/24/2002 12:31:59 PM

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Letter from Sharon
We are all looking forward to the long week end. Not for sure what we are going to do. May sit on the deck and communicate with the birds and the cats. Miss Kitty and her daughter has blessed us with 12 baby kitten's. Usually the cats leave by finding another home or have misfortune of being
in the road. Not this year. Mom says "Sharon they are not leaving as long as you feed them". I like the kittens but not 12 of them critters. They mess up my flowers. Any way enough about my animal kingdom. Donna heard from the results of her MRI and her lab work. MRI was ok and she has a low level of Myasthenia in her blood. I think with her back pain they wanted to rule out anything else going on with her. To my understanding they can't actually give a true diagnosis with the diseases that effect the immune system unless they are tested during an attack. But I am no doctor. I went to the doctor with Misty Monday. This doctor that she went to did not impress me. We still do not know for sure what is wrong. She has an enlarged pancreas but we don't know why. The upper GI was ok but they put her on Prevacid. That is for a gastric reflux. Any way I have decided to give this
to God and deal with things as they come about. I usually give circumstances to God . It just takes me awhile to get to that point. Last Saturday we all went to the Strawberry Festival except for Bill. Amy and Misty put the girls in the Beauty Pageant. Of course they didn't win. Taylor won the pageant last year in her age group. The only thing they can wear are diapers. Randy graduated from the 8th grade Tuesday night. They wore caps and gowns and walked across the stage to receive their diploma's. It was real nice. Randy got 3 certificates. They had a dance after graduation. Bill said he thought they did more for the 8th grade than they did when he graduated from high school. Bill is doing Ok. Having some problems with depression. I hope with Randy out of school maybe they can do some things together. Mom is OK. Keeping the grand babies. Donna and Connie are OK.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

5/20/2002 10:09:17 PM

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A little News
Just a note to let everyone know that might want to know, I started my job today, and got through the 'first day jitters', things look pretty good, and I am looking forward to a long stay there, if everything works out to both our satisfaction. Like any new job, especially in this profession, the fit has to be comfortable with all parties! =) Everyone I met today was very pleaseant and very professional, and I really am thankful for the opportunity to be employed by this company. I hope everyone is off to a good Monday and a new week. It would be nice to have some post from Nicole and Ashleigh, but at this point I guess there is not much news happening! God Bless everyone, as He surely does each day!
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