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Family Weblog

5/18/2002 11:50:55 PM

Special Notes

I have now added a feature that will allow anyone that reads the post on this album to post their views or comments, or other information so that all may read it. If you would like to comment on any post within the album, just click on the word-link 'Comment', found at the end of each individual post. A new window will open on top of the album window, and you will be able to type in your comments or additonal information that you may want to add!! =) =)!! Just follow the very simple instructions on the new window for the 'Comments'. If you are the first commentator, just add your comments. If there are already comments, click on the 'Comment' button to read all the other comments, then, if you would like, click on "Add Your Comment" phrase at the top right of the 'Comment' page, and you will then be able to type your own comments!!
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

5/18/2002 01:34:09 PM

Special Notes

Update from Sharon
I received email from Sharon and thought I would post some of it for the rest of the family to read, the following is a portion of her email: "Hey Bro, Sounds like you are busy getting ready for your new career. I want to wish you the best and I hope you like this job pretty good. My mom gave me some advise a long time ago. She said "Sharon you will have to work to be able to support you and the kids you may as well do something you like and get the best pay that you can get. That was 13 years ago before I decided to come to work for Western State Hospital. I am still here and I enjoy my work as a general rule. sometimes I get burnt out but I usually don't stay that way long. Bill is doing good. Still not ready to run any races. Still in pretty good spirits. Donna had her MRU done yesterday. Of course no news. Misty got the results of her Upper GI back. Everything was ok. Everyone you talk to from Logan County has a gastric reflux. I was hoping that was what was wrong with Misty. She goes to the gastrointerologist Monday 5-20-02. that is probably who will do the gastroscope. Connie and Tony are doing ok. Working every day and going to AJ's ball games. Mom said AJ's team lost their game Saturday. Donna was still floating last night." so let's all continue to pray for the recovery for Bill, and good results and testing for Misty and Donna. My love to all, and just thought I would post this for those that don't have access to this information.

| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

5/12/2002 02:45:46 PM

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Happy Mother's Day
I hope all the Mothers in our Family was treated to a great Mother's Day on this 12th of May. I know that I am thankful, that I am able to enjoy time with my mother, each day I spend with her, thankful that she is still very much a part of my life. Happy Mother's Day to all!!
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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