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Family Weblog

5/03/2002 09:28:02 PM

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Week-End Wishes
Well as we head into the weekend, I just want to wish everyone in the family a good safe, and maybe even dry in some places week-end. I hope everything is going in a positive direction with Misty, and likewise Cathy from her doctors visit. I especially hope to hear that Donna has some encouraging news also. My prayers are with and for you each as we start another week-end for most of us. I won't hear of my test results until 5-16-02, unless there is an emergency, but since I haven't yet heard, I am encouraged. I also received a phone call today from one of my job prospects, and they want me to come in Monday for a job proposal and offer. I am sure that I will be taking this job, it will be a great opportunity for me to start a new career in my chosen field of AutoCAD Drafting with a company that is world wide, with offices in many cities. Unless there is something in the offer that is just outrageous, I am sure that I will accept their offer. I am shooting for a start date of 5-15-02 as I have a 'jury' summons to answer on 5-9-02, and would rather that be behind me as I start a new job. I would appreciate everyone's prayers as I enter into this new endeavor. Changing jobs is always a challenge, changing careers even more so, but I know the Lord is with me, and have little doubt that this job offer was and is, an answer to one of my prayers just voiced the night before. The Lord is Good. It has been a little quiet on the Weblog, from Nicole, and Ashleigh, I miss reading both your posts, but I am sure there is not always 'hot' news that maybe should be posted. Tomorrow, I am going again to one of my favorite spots nearby in a place called Calico Basin, a beautiful retreat with cool mountain breezes, and if I am fortunate, I will be blessed with an entire day there, just walking and talking with the Lord. I love to kick rocks and sit on tops of high mountains and watch the day go by, far below my perch. Clears my head, and nature and all the immensity of nature, really helps put the days and world into a bigger perspective. Since I was a small kid of eleven or twelve, my special treat for me, was to be able to go for long walks into the desert, and I always thought of it as being alone with God, that feeling, is always what I try to capture in all my pictures of this beautiful area, and almost everyone of them I can look at, and reflect back to insights I have had, and relevations I have discovered, about myself and my relationship with the Lord, and those of my loved ones around me.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

4/28/2002 12:01:08 AM

Special Notes

New Pictures!!
This afternoon I received a wonderful birthday card from my sweet sister Sharon and Bill, along with some great additions of pictures for the family album. I will be working on posting these new additons to the album in the coming days to share with the rest of the families. These new additions round out current pictures of most of the family in Russellville, and will be a great start to add to in the coming months as we all encounter events and changes with each our families. We have the start of a nice family album, and I look forward to helping to continue to build this album so that it eventually, and hopefully, encompass all the many facets of each of individual lives. As each our children grow, and mature as the Lord continues to tarry, they will be able to see how multifaceted "our" family truly is. I have a special joy to be able to feel that I have a part in this project, to hear from my family members, and be able to contact, talk and write to them, and to be part of a prayer process for those that may have need of special prayers. A true blessing of the Lord,from my perspective, and it is my wish that this forum may be a blessing in some way to each.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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