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Family Weblog

4/19/2002 09:32:24 AM

Special Notes

I spoke to Cathy today, and hear that Misty Jeankins is still having additional tests run to determine her diagnosis regarding her enlarged pancreas, and my prayers are with her for the Lord to bless her with good doctors, and courage, as she faces these unknown times in her and her husband Matthew's life. My love to all of my family.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

4/14/2002 07:43:12 PM

Special Notes

Nana's 81st Birthday

We had a wonderful party this evening for my Nana, Elexene, at my home. Tomorrow is her 81st birthday, but she is still busy and young as ever! We had fried chicken, rolls, cheese and broccoli, and corn on the cob. Yellow cake and brown sugar sauce was the desert for the birthday girl. It is delicious if anyone would like the recipe. It was wonderful to be together with my family and to share Nan's special day. Wish all of us were closer... it would make for a huge and wonderful party! Hope all of the family is well and we are all praying that Misty's results are promising. Very scary to be in limbo... Anyhow my family (Justin, Taylor, and I) are leaving Tuesday for Orlando, Florida for a week. Justin's family is coming too from Massachusetts, so it will be a wonderful week to get to share with them. We see them so rarely so this will be really nice for them and us. I am a little scared of flying (actually ALOT) so if anyone isn't busy around 1pm-3pm on Tuesday the 16th please say a little prayer for a safe and uneventful flight. =) Well, everyone have a wonderful week and for my fellow Kentuckians enjoy the wonderful warmth we are supposed to have this week. Everyone take care and keep us updated here in Nicholasville of Misty and Bill's progress.
Much love
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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