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4/13/2002 02:10:05 PM

Special Notes


I spoke to Sharon today, and she tells me that Misty has been sent home from the hospital, and will be having additional tests next week for further information on her medical condition. She is suffering from an enlarged pancreas, and the doctors will be running test to determine why. Please, everyone, keep Misty in your prayers, and remember also to pray for the continuing good recovery for Bill, and for others of our family that are suffering from less than good health, and other problems.
Love to all
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

4/13/2002 02:40:11 AM

Special Notes

Great Words

First, and formost, I have not heard any more news about the condition of Misty, but do plan on calling tomorrow for an update.

Second, I just want to post something by the apostle Paul, written in Romans 7:15-25,

"For that which I do I allow not: for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. If then, I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good. Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not. For the good that I would I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. For I delight in the law of God after the inward man: But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. So then with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but the with flesh the law of sin."

What a profound remark by Paul. A man that died in the field and was taken up to the third heaven, "and saw things which are unlawful for me to speak of." and came back to this earth and his new ministry a changed man. No one person of the new testament other than Christ had such a profound ministry. Paul, who persecuted and killed Jews with glee. Paul saw probably what the beloved John saw in Revelations, but was not allowed to speak of it. Think about this for a minute, or two. Paul was a living eye-witness to the majesty of Heaven, received his ministry directly by direct intervention of God, and came back to tell of it. Yet, even with all his blessings, he still warred with his flesh, daily. Knowing even beyond faith, an actual witness to the miracles unfolded before him, but still he warred with his flesh. Did he ever give up, no, nor could he, having seen behind the veil. He said he had fought the good fight, and when all else was done, he stood, and tells us to follow his example. How many times do each of us feel defeated when we are overcome by the flesh, be whatever it may. We hang our heads, and sometimes wallow in our defeat. Happy is satan at that time, because defeat comes from him. If Paul with the miraculous visions he was permitted to see, could still war with his flesh, and even cry out in consternation, don't you think also that we can expect to be constantly at war also, not just from without, but also from within? The flesh, lust of the eyes, lust of the flesh, or pride of life. Only three ways (and it covers everything) satan can get to you. It's been said if you are not in a daily battle on some level with your flesh, you need to check your pulse, because you are either dead, or satan has already won. Using Paul's statements above, you can know the battle will be daily.

Our miraculous vision, our lifting of the veil, our strength is in Christ Jesus, our victory also, evenmore, we have the living breathing word of God complete. The beginning, the middle, and the end, the Alpha and the Omega. We know the outcome, just as it was no doubt revealed to Paul. Don't let satan make you feel defeated, fool you into thinking you are failing, cause you to throw up your hands, just remember the words of Paul, above in Romans, and know that victory is in the spirit, through Christ Jesus.

I wish all my family a safe week-end. Pray for each other
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

4/11/2002 12:16:27 PM

Special Notes

Prayer Requests
I received a letter from Nicole yesterday. She let me know that Misty Jenkins, Sharon's daughter, has some special health problems right now. These are her comments from the e-mail:Misty (Sharon's daughter) is in the hospital, she has been in there since Monday. She passed out at work, twice, and they ended up taking her to the hospital. They did some blood work and said they believe that there is something wrong with either her liver or pancreas. They are going to do a CATSCAN today and a Upper GI tomorrow, to try and find the problem, so please keep her in your prayers!
Love to my family
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

4/08/2002 06:20:50 PM

Special Notes


Mmm, good. Saturday in Las Vegas, we had a family bar-b-que at the invitation of my neice, Tara. The whole family was there from this area. Elenore, Jack, Joey, myself, Tara, and of course Craig Boyle and his very nice mother, Sherry. Tara's fiance' Craig, did the great job of preparing ribs, slowly cooked all day to perfection. We got there about 5:30 p.m., which was just at the beginning of early dusk here in Las Vegas, and the weather was perfect. Next to no breeze at all, (after blowing considerably all morning) the temperature had dropped from the high of about 89 degrees, and the sun was over the mountains in the west. We ate outside, and Craig and Tara had the yard and patio decorated with Hawaiian oil lamps, a mexican outdoor ceramic oven, and candles and decorative lighting throughout the patio and yard. It could not have been more lovely. Mother was feeling good, as we all seemed to be. Tara was playing very softly old Glen Miller instrumental big band music cd's, and after dinner, I think everyone was in the mood for dancing in the twilight on the patio. The only mar to the evening as far as I was concerned was my walking into the screen door, twice, nearly destroying it, twice. I really could not see it, because of the lighting. Logic would say that after I did it once, I would be especially careful and mindful not to repeat the incident, but no, that was not the case. No less than fifteen minutes after trying to reshape and rehang the screen door back into its runner on the patio and gather my dignity, I repeated myself. Much laughter from all who saw, much to my chagrin. With what grace I could muster after that, I did manage to enjoy myself and the evening. Dinner was great, we had the pork-ribs, cole-slaw, and Sherry's fabulous 25 year old recipe baked-beans. Part of the occasion was also a birthday party for Tara's cat. Yes, her cat, Jazzmine, 19 years old!!! Jazz had a cake, candles, and we all donned hats and set off sparklers!! I am not too sure Jazz was impressed, but the rest of us had a great time, and dinner. We all hamned it up for the camera that I was holding, and when the pictures come in, you all will get to see our little Bar-B-Que. It would have been great to have had the entire family in that back yard that evening, and I couldn't help but think how nice that would be, as I enjoyed myself throughout the remainder of the night.
Love to All,
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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