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4/04/2002 09:33:02 AM

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Easter in Nicholasville

I am glad to hear that everyone, everywhere had a wonderful Easter! We had a lovely one too except for the rain. Taylor got all dressed up in a baby blue sailor dress that Nana (Elexene) made for her and was a little doll! We had an egg hunt for her too. I love to watch little children when they do things like that... they are so amazed at things we adults barely blink at. Suppose that is why God wants our faith to be like that of little children. To always be amazed at the smallest of miracles in our lives. I had to work at dispatch on easter Sunday afternoon but Nana cooked a big dinner and my hubbie, Justin, brought some down to me to share with the other girls at work. So it was special none-the-less. Our church performed the last 2 nights of our Passion Play that weekend. We had over 300 in attendance on Saturday and close to that on Sunday night. It was wonderful to help bring that glorious message to so many. Really brought to life the whole story. Taylor was so hopped up on candy Sunday night she could barely hold still up on stage. But everyone got a big kick out of her. I, as her mom, was about to die!! Wanted her to be perfectly still, I guess. Alot to ask of a 2 yr old =). I am glad to hear that the Russellville family is doing well, and we continue to keep Bill in our thoughts and prayers. And Nicole, you too. I know those wisdom teeth can be tough! Anyway, Mickey and I have been discussing the situation in the Middle East and we both seem to feel that the Rapture may be closer than we will ever know. I would love to know everyone's thoughts on the issue. And to just remind us all to pray for the unsaved and to work extra hard on those we love who may be among them. Here's to hopping that we may all share in the glory of being raptured to Christ!! Much love to all, Ashleigh
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

4/02/2002 10:12:35 PM

Special Notes

Easter in Russellville
I, also, hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. We got togther at Connie and Tony's house. It is always fun when you get the family together. And Yes, Mammaw did the cooking, so it was wonderful!!!! The egg hunt was fun for the kids, and I think, just as much fun for the adults watching them. We did have a great day, and hope everyone else did also. I had my wisdom teeth (all four of them) taken out yesterday, and it's actually not as bad as everyone told me that it was going to be. Besides that, everything else is pretty much the same. Please continue to pray for Bill and his recovery. He did not get to come to the Easter dinner, but we all still prayed for him and kept him in our thoughts all day. That's about it from Russellville for now. Hope everyone is doing well. Love Always, Nicole
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

4/01/2002 01:09:35 PM

Special Notes

I hope everyone had a great Easter Sunday. The family from Russellville called me to wish me Happy Easter. They all had a get-together at Connie and Tony's house for a dinner and Easter Egg hunt for the younger ones. Connie said that Cathy did all the cooking. They all had a great time. Wish I could have been there too. I had dinner with my family in Las Vegas, with Jo, Tara and her fiance Craig, and my mom and dad Elenore and Jack. Mom did all the cooking, and we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and had a good visit. I took another 'family' portrait so I will be posting a new one when I get it back from the finishers. I hope Easter in Nicholasville with Uncle John and Aunt Elexene, Patty, and Justin and Ashleigh and Taylor went as well as the rest of the Family (I am sure it did), and wish everyone a good week ahead.
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