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3/28/2002 01:09:22 PM

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News from Sharon
I spoke to Sharon today, she called to let me know that her and Bill are back home and getting settled into a recovery program for Bill. Doctors estimate that it may take up to six months for his recovery and therapy. Sharon is off work this week, praise the Lord, so that will allow her to take care of much needed business, and hopefully get some much needed rest before returning to work. Sharon expressed to me, as she has no doubt to others, her thankfullness for all of our prayers, and ask that we continue to pray for Bill's good recovery and both of them to be strengthened through these times of trials in their lives. Sharon's faith in the Lord is strong and she has told me that she knows that His presence is with them. I hope for and pray for a good, speedy recovery for you Bill, and hope that you are soon up and about without pain. Both of you and your family, and all are in my prayers, especially as we approach the day marking the foundation of our faith, resurrection Sunday, "He arose." Selah-- Amen.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/27/2002 03:09:37 PM

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Update from Russellville
Hello! We just want to thank everyone for the prayers for Bill. He came home today, and is doing as well as to be expected. He is in pain, of course, but better than expected. They haven't been home long, so I'm not sure as to all the details, but I will keep you posted. Continue to pray for him, because he still has a long recovery ahead of him, but the hardest part is behind him. I will keep everyone updated as I get the news. That's about it for here, we send our love to everyone, and hope everyone is well.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/26/2002 12:02:43 AM

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Email from Donna
I talked to Sharon tonight, she said Bill was doing real good. They have already had him up walking. She seems to think he might get to come home in a day or two. So he really is getting along good so far. Things will be rough when he gets home. But I think with Sharon being a nurse it might not be too bad. I got the pictures in the mail today, thank you Mickey I would't take a million dollars for these pictures. Especially the ones of daddy because we didn't have very many pictures of him. Donna
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/25/2002 06:32:04 PM

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Special Prayer Request

This prayer request is not family related but if any of you are online tonight and happen to read this I have a favor to ask. A friend of mine and my husbands who used to work at the sheriff's dept with Justin and who was in our wedding has a 16 yo son who is suffering with cystic fibrosis. He just has major surgery today to patch a whole in his lung and has just not recovered well. His temperature has spiked and he is in the ICU at University of Kentucky Hospital. They do not expect him to make it through the night. He is the couples only child. And he is a wonderful child. Anyhow I know that depending on the Will of God yours and my prayers may have some effect on this boys outcome so like I said if your here tonight and can think of it as you lay down to sleep please pray for Ryan. Thanks.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/24/2002 09:18:13 PM

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The Family, now has representatives on each end of the state of Kentucky to get the news out about the Family. All the news that is the news so to speak! Grand-childrens news, Grand-Parents news, birthdays, special projects a family member may be working on, whatever anyone wants to share with the Family, A Family Bulletin Board. So, Ashleigh and Nicole, post away here, and keep the Family current on all the news and interesting stories about the Family. There is no limit to what you can post or write about, so if you have a hidden author lurking inside you somewhere, or need to post some writings or thoughts of someone else in the Family, here is the place to do it! I look forward to reading my Families news, and to keep track of who is sick, or needs special prayer requests. I have been praying for Bill and his recovery and know that most all who have been aware of his surgery have been doing the same. The Lord has answered our prayers for his safe surgery, and I am sure hears all our prayers for his speeding and uncomplicated recovery, and for extra strength be given to Sharon and her family to bear the burdens that they are going through now at this time. God Bless them, continually, as He has already. God Bless all my Family. Love, Mick
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/24/2002 08:04:20 PM

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News from Nichvegas

Just for those of you who may wonder Nichvegas is a little term we use for the lovely city of Nicholasville where I work, which is the 911 center for the county/city. It sometimes gets a little crazy so the officers/deputies came up with the little nickname. Thought you might enjoy it Mick!! Anyways... the latest here is the Passion Play going on at our Church. My daughter Taylor is singing in the Childrens Choir and my Nana (Elexene) has been sewing her little heart out. She has made many of the costumes. She loves doing it though! Keeps her young. My job is to keep the little yahoos in the Childrens Choir under wraps until and after their turn comes. Keeping 15 youngsters ranging in age from 2-11 in one place and quiet is very, very tiring, but I am enjoying it! =) My mom (Patti) came to the first performance last night and said she was on the verge of tears through most of it, so it must be very moving. We really put our "Jesus" on the cross and raise it up for him to hang there... crossing his fingers the whole time that he wont crash into the front row! =) I hope to get a moment away from the Children's Choir long enough to see the whole thing. Well just wanted to brag on our little play a bit and say hello to ALL the family. This will be so wonderful to use to keep in touch since we get to see each other so little. And Sharon we will all keep Bill in our prayers. Take care all and may God bless and keep you.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/24/2002 01:58:46 PM

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News from Nicole
I just want to let everyone know that I will now be handling information from the Kentucky family. If you'd like me to post anything, please contact me via email at or by telephone at 270-725-9220.
| for our family, ©2002 - 2005 |

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Family Weblog

3/24/2002 09:50:00 AM

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Update from Donna
I just got off the phone with Sharon. She said they have Bill out in a regular room, they are still keeping up with his blood count to make sure it is ok. He had a rough day yesterday and last night. Late yesterday he tried to eat a little, he said he wasn't hungry but he knew he had to eat something. So as now each day will be better than the day before. They say now he will be in the hospital at least 6 days or more. So every thing is looking better. I know if Sharon could email you right now she would thank you for your prayers because thats what has helped to get them this far. God has been there with them, thats for sure. Will write you later.
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